Task File Handlers

In order to handle uploaded scan files and prepare them for static file analysis, TaskFileHandler objects are used. Once created, they will be registered in a gobal registry and can be retrieved via TaskFileHandler.from_scan(...).

APK Files

To use the apk_handler function, simply import it and call it with the source path, destination directory, and any required application settings. Optional arguments can be passed through the kwargs parameter, including the observer argument for progress tracking. For example:

1from mastf.core.files import TaskFileHandler
2from mastf.MASTF import settings
4src_path = "/path/to/my/app.apk"
5dest_dir = "/path/to/output/directory"
6apk_handler = TaskFileHandler.from_scan(src_path, "android")
7if apk_handler:
8    apk_handler.apply(src_path, dest_dir, settings, observer=task_observer)

The apk_handler function processes the specified APK file using the settings provided, then saves the output files to the dest_dir. The function may also perform progress tracking if an observer object is provided.

Note that the extension and scan_type parameters for TaskFileHandler specify that this function should only be used for files with the .apk extension and for Android scans.

IPA Files

Import the ipa_handler function or get the instance via the following code:

handler = TaskFileHandler.from_scan("path/to/file.ipa", "ios")
class mastf.core.files.handler.TaskFileHandler(extension: str, scan_type: str = None, private=False)[source]

A class that provides file handling functionality for tasks.

To use the TaskFileHandler class as a decorator on functions or classes, you can create an instance of the class with the desired file extension and scan type (if applicable), and then apply it to the target function or class using the @ syntax. Here is an example of how this might look:

task_file_handler = TaskFileHandler(r".*\.txt")

def process_text_files(src_path: str, dest_dir: str, settings):
    # function body

In the above example, the process_text_files function is decorated with an instance of the TaskFileHandler class that has been configured to look for files with a .txt extension in any scan. When process_text_files is called, the file handling logic provided by the TaskFileHandler instance will be applied to the specified source and destination paths.

  • extension (str) – The file extension to look for.

  • scan_type (str, optional) – The type of scan to perform (e.g. ‘android’ or ‘ios’). Defaults to None.

  • private (bool) – Tells the object whether it should be added to the global handler list

apply(src_path: Path, dest_dir: Path, settings, **kwargs) None[source]

Applies the file handling logic to the specified source and destination paths.

  • src_path (pathlib.Path) – The path to the source directory or file.

  • dest_dir (pathlib.Path) – The path to the destination directory.

  • settings – The settings object for the task.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.



static from_scan(name: str, scan_type: str = None) TaskFileHandler[source]

Returns the TaskFileHandler instance from the specified file name and scan type.

  • file_name (str) – The name of the file to look for.

  • scan_type (str) – The type of scan to perform (e.g. ‘android’ or ‘ios’).


A new TaskFileHandler instance.

Return type:
